New year drama

All in all my new year started off on a great note. My bosses appreciate me, my assignments are beginning to take on a proper shape, my relationship is thriving. I, however, could be doing a lot better. This week in particular has not had the best start.

I woke up a bit later than I wanted, and panicked that I would miss, or be late for, a very important meeting that was supposed to be held today at 10 am. So, I showered quickly, skipped my coffee and my breakfast, got dressed, skipped make-up, threw some hair pins in the bag and an eyeliner for later, checked the meeting announcement to see what room I have to be in, and off I was. I tried calling the person who was supposed to preside the meeting to let them know I will be about 5 minutes late, and surprise! Since I changed my phone, I don't seem to have their phone number. Well, isn't that I ran, to try to be as least late as possible, and got there 3 minutes past 10. I go into the room and there is just one lady there and I ask "are you here for the student officers meeting?" To which she replies: "No, but I'm just leaving now, so maybe they will be here soon." I thought that since we were supposed to meet somewhere else at quarter to 10, they might still be waiting for me there. Off I go again, running my feet off, only to find there is no one there either. I finally decide to double check the post in which the meeting was announced, only to find that it is next week :-(

So, with disappointment in my heart about my bad schedule keeping, I went to find some quite place to drink my coffee before my lecture from 12. While quietly checking my social media platforms and taking small sips from my hot coffee I get the most annoying text ever. The one in which the Business School let me know the lecture has been postponed.

Oddly enough, this last part of the day turned out to be a life saviour as I logged onto Breo to see the announcement and found that I had an assignment due before midnight (for which of course I had not done much). The saddest part was that I had to work, and I usually work til late on Mondays. So I ran to work 2 hours earlier than usual, and hoping that I'll somehow take some breaks and work on the assignment. That turned out to not work, as even on my breaks the phone did not stop ringing, so I asked my boss to let me go home early so I have time to finish it and submit it on time. I swear, this is the first time something like this happens to me :( I have never forgotten I had an assignment due, and I always try to have them ready for proof reading at least one day before.

This time, with a bit of divine intervention, I managed to finish it and submit it about 30 minutes before the deadline. Which, to be completely fair, is still a lot better than finishing it after deadline, getting a G (which by the way stands for "GOD! What have I done?" ), and then a D- in referrals. I am very sad when something like this happens to me, and I pray I don't get a high mark on it, as it will only make me do things like this more often, and I don't want to.

How did your new year start?

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