I would say that the worst thing that can happen to anyone is to be sick around Christmas time. Especially when there is no Mom around to take care of you. Which is what happened to me this year.
Truth be told, Santa has been very generous this year and he brought me all I asked for and a bit more, but it seems that I have not been as good as I thought this year, as I was not well enough to enjoy everything as much as I could have. What's even worse, I was so sick I couldn't even cook Christmas dinner, and we saw ourselves forced to go out to a restaurant (my better half had to work on Christmas Eve in the morning so he could not help). I have only one thing to say to people going to a restaurant for Christmas dinner: Hope for the best, but expect the worst. We forgot to expect the worst and we sort of got it. Note to self, never go to an Italian restaurant to have a traditional English dinner!!
And now that Christmas is over, the time has come to start on those assignments due in the first week after the holiday. I don't know if you've tried to work on assignments of the Christmas break, but somehow the assignments suddenly become a bit more difficult. It's as if the Christmas sprit has a reverse effect on them.
This is how it went so far: I've managed to write about 200 words, clean up my room, wash dishes, clothes, cook and ...ohh, that was not for the assignment. Oh wait, the blog isn't for the assignment either? What did I have to do again? Never mind...someone just posted a picture of their Christmas tree and all the presents on Facebook, and I'd better check it. What was that new song that came out? I need to eat before I take my medicine. Okay, back to work. What? New notification? I wonder what that is about. Fine, I'll check it and then straight back to the assignment. OK, never mind...it's late now. I'll do it tomorrow!
On a completely related topic, I'll tell you tomorrow about the subject of my assignment. It's really interesting and as I'm not allowed to exceed my word limit and I have loads to say about it, I thought I could put the rest of the words here :)
I wish you had a very Happy Christmas and good health, but more importantly, please don't procrastinate...it's so time consuming! :)
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