The part-time job is most of the time the solution to a student's budget. But is it really a solution for the student experience?
While I do agree that without a part-time job I would find it very hard, if not impossible to continue my studies, sometimes I feel that my part-time job is actually creating more issues than it solves.
First of all, I spend 20 hours per week on my job. That is 20 hours less of studying, or going out, or just resting after an exhausting day at Uni. Because of this, I sometimes find it hard to give 100% of my potential to my assignments. Second of all, I am always tired after I come home from work, and it takes even more of my time to recover, time during which I have no interest in studying, doing some extra curricular activities or just going out with my friends.
In my opinion, the three / four years spent in University are supposed to be enjoyed to the fullest, by getting involved in societies, representing the students, going to conferences, doing your assignments properly, going out, creating the basis for a career that you enjoy. Can you really enjoy all the perks of being a student while having a part-time job as well?
On the other hand, without a part-time job during Uni, how will you ever get the experience needed to get a good job after you graduate? To be completely honest, we all know that very few employers will hire you just on the basis of very good academic results. You need some experience to back all that up. But can't you accumulate the basic experience needed to land a perfectly good job by putting more time and effort in the University? There are many voluntary roles in which you get involved and gain that coveted experience.
As I said before, some of us don't really have an option, so it's either Uni + part-time job, or no Uni at all. But if you had a choice, what would you choose?
I'll see you soon!
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