Funny thing is, that right after they left, this mystery person came around all computers asking if we lost a memory stick as she found it about 15 minutes back and she's been trying to find the person who lost it since. I told her to wait, as the girl who lost it would probably come back as she went to look for her. I think they've been circling each other for the past 15 minutes, but they finally met and the exchange was made (a very big thank you was given for the USB :) ).
This made me remember a poster I saw the first time I came into Uni last year. It said: " Do you love your laptop? Somebody else might too!" (so be careful what you do with your possessions). In this Uni, it seems that people love integrity and respect more than possessions, as I found everything I lost (except for a nice scarf which was never handed in, but I can't really blame whoever took it. It was so nice and cozy...)
How about you? Did you ever lose and then found anything?
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